Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory (SNARL) Projects
One of our goals during our annual FUERTE field trip at SNARL is to establish long-term place-based datasets where our new fellows can learn about data collection and analysis.

White Bark Pine Health
Research Goal: Survey variability of bark beetle infestation and overall tree health at different elevations on Mammoth Mountain
Skills Learned: Transect setup, mapping, species identification, assessment of tree health

Mammal Habitat Use
Research Goal: Examine habitat use of mammals in various ecosystems of the Eastern Sierra
Skills Learned: Camera trap deployment and maintenance, species identification, mapping, behavioral analysis

Litter Load in Mountain Lakes
Research Goal: Measure the litter load at lakes in the Eastern Sierra with varying levels of human use
Skills Learned: Transect setup, sample collection and processing, mapping
Data Science Workshop
In addition to forming hypotheses and collecting data, students are also introduced to data analysis and visualization during the SNARL field trip. Information and skills learned during a 5-day data science workshop help prepare students to work with data collected at SNARL and during their summer research experience.